Virginia Beach portrait and lifestyle photographer specializing in comfortable portraits and candids
What a whirlwind it’s been since I announced our move. I’ve felt like Mrs. Hughes in Downton Abby – making sure this house was in tip-top shape for photos and listing. A friend who also had her house on the market said it best, “It’s hard to live in perfection!” Amen. But I have to […]
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This past week was pretty annoying when it came to reliable internet. We have Comcast [and I really could just stop right there] and our internet has been so shaky. Blog posts haven’t gone up, emails have been ignored. 3G has been abused. It’s been crazy and we’re probably going to switch to FIOS soon […]
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The first time I went to bible study at our friend’s house, we sat down in their over sized leather couch and my eyes widened, “Where did you get this couch?!” “The Dump!” They didnt mean the actual dump, but the store that is unfortunately called, The Dump. When it came time to address our […]
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It’s been about a month since we moved. I can’t believe it! None of my inside of my house is blog worthy right now, but we’re working on it. So, I thought I’d share the outside of our house! I never thought I’d ever own a ranch. I wanted a cute colonial or something that […]
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