Virginia Beach portrait and lifestyle photographer specializing in comfortable portraits and candids

Alisandra Photography Blog


I have been pretty much M.I.A. for the past 5 or 6 days. I have been away from a computer so there have been no blog posts, no tweets, no facebook posts, and no online presence whatsoever. And I’m so embarrassed! But, I have a pretty good reason. In the next 5 weeks, Chad and […]

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I’d like to welcome a new little guy to my gear bag. He sits beside my two favorites: 50mm and 135mm. He is a tool I have been hoping to get my hands on for the past few months. Even though I only plan to pull him out only for a few shots, he is […]

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I am so proud and humbled to announce that Jacqueline’s beautiful Maryland wedding has caught more attention. Hitched, a couture wedding boutique in Georgetown is featuring her wedding and her photography today and tomorrow! They had such kind things to say about Alisandra Photography, and I am so thankful! I have not met any of […]

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I got a call, of course from a former housemate, “Candace is dating someone!” They met kind of forcefully. Michael came up and inserted himself in a conversation because he thought Candace was cute. Luckily, the feelings were mutual. Because all four housemates live all over the place, we saw Candace’s romance grow on facebook. […]

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I love quiet moments.  Especially amid loud ones.  They are so beautifully unchoreographed.  They remind me of a deep breath you didn’t plan to take, after which you realize it’s necessity.  Happy Friday, and Breathe Deep!

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