2017 filled my heart with so many memories and so much joy, and after scrolling through my collection of images after a year, it enforces how blessed I am to get to tell all of these love stories. For those of you who are in the planning stages, I hope you can be inspired by these beautiful people. And for those of you who are either not there yet or past this season, you too can look to it for inspiration. These folks did it right. So much love, so much care and joy. Creating lasting memories of this season is so important. Really, of any season!
So, here you are, folks. 50 of my favorite wedding and portrait images… and I say it like that because I have way more than 50 favorites, but I tried to narrow it down to a reasonable blog post. Also, don’t count the number of photos in this post… lets just say it’s AROUND 50…

Ok, all the place setting shots! Wow, some gorgeous venues! The blue cake!! And the engagement shot with the Washington monument in the background – such a cool shot, it’s so big and yet intimate! It’s an encouragement to be brave with framing and see how amazing it can turn out!