Virginia Beach portrait and lifestyle photographer specializing in comfortable portraits and candids
I met Danny and Emily at Heritage, the foodie and cocktail lover’s dream of a restaurant nestled in the heart of Richmond. The couple is longtime friends with the owner, so we were able to sneak in before most of the patrons arrived for their engagement session! Oh how I love a couple with good taste […]
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Carter and Winston’s wedding was just recently featured in Virginia Living! If you find yourself in a bookstore, you should check it out! They had an amazing wedding that was styled so perfectly! A few weeks before the big day, we met at Main Street Train Station for her bridals; I’m so happy I can […]
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I LOVE THESE PEOPLE! I went to college with Tim and remember when he got engaged to Tori. After stalking their wedding photos, I couldn’t believe her BRIGHT blue eyes. I got to know both of them a lot better when they took me in for three weeks during my internship with Casey Templeton Photography. […]
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WOW. It feels like we just got to Charlottesville. Oh wait. I did. A little over 5 months ago, Chad and I were unpacking from Winston Salem, eating Chinese on the floor of our new two bedroom apartment. As I sat just a few days ago in the car in front of Panera where Chad […]
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Where should I begin? First, I suppose I’ll shake hands with Amanda, congratulating her on a Cowboy’s victory over the Redskins. [We’ll get you next time.] Diron and Amanda were friends. They served together with Intervarsity. They enjoyed football together. They enjoyed a mug of beer together. They were friends. But I’m not sure either […]
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I got a call, of course from a former housemate, “Candace is dating someone!” They met kind of forcefully. Michael came up and inserted himself in a conversation because he thought Candace was cute. Luckily, the feelings were mutual. Because all four housemates live all over the place, we saw Candace’s romance grow on facebook. […]
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