Virginia Beach portrait and lifestyle photographer specializing in comfortable portraits and candids
Ugh. I write it, close my eyes, and cringe waiting for the inevitable wrath. Submission is such a dirty word to a lot of woman. Some who just don’t know what it means – they hear submission and they think: slave, forced labor, oppression, suppression, weakness, obey… Some woman have poor male examples and relationships in their life and the idea of submitting to those men is the last thing they want to do. BUT God tells us to submit – so what do we do if God designs our role in marriage one way, and we feel totally offended or turned off by it? I was second shooting a wedding a few years ago and the main photographer and I were listening to the sermon. He read this verse posted above and the photographer whispered, “I can’t believe people actually believe this stuff.” I was not sure how to respond because I, well, do.
Let’s dig a little and find out what this word actually MEANS. In the Greek, the original language, SUBMISSION is actually a beautiful thing! It is the word: hypotass? which is a military term meaning “arranging yourself under.” So, in a marriage, the wife is to arrange herself under her husband’s authority. It’s nothing more than a voluntary attitude of cooperating, assuming responsibility, and carrying a burden. No one is being oppressed. This is not weak. This is not obedience. This is a choice. An attidude. It is respect. It is love. It is right.
Does it shock you that this is God’s design for woman in marriage? What are your initial thoughts when you hear the word?
Guys also have a role in marriage, however, submission isn’t contingent on men getting it right. That being said, every marriage is going to look different – even in the concept of submission. It’s a tricky and touchy subject, but I want to challenge you to at least look into it!
@alisandraphoto #alisandraphoto
Get a glance into my life with #MyHusbandChad, our travel adventures by the sea, and the love stories I get to photograph on Instagram.
I also think its really important to understand that Women and Men are equal, but have different roles. Thats the best way for me to explain or help others understand what it means for a wife to submit. You can’t have two leaders, but one is no more important than the other, and feelings, thoughts, opinions, etc… should be treated equally. One person has to be the final decision maker though, right? The husband wouldn’t be carrying out his role to unconditionally love his wife if he didn’t consider her thoughts, feelings, and opinions when making decisions for the family.
This is wonderful, Ali! I’m currently in a book study with women at my church studying Biblical womanhood – what it means, how God designed gender and how all of these things work for the greater purpose of bringing Him glory! It’s a HARD task but it’s our calling and when it is done well, there is so much joy to be found in it 🙂
we had the long version of that verse (starting at 2a) for our wedding and we spent some time discussing the reading before we chose it officially. We didn’t even think to discuss the meaning with our priest prior to the ceremony…horrible idea. His homily was almost offensive to us since we had discussed and intentionally chosen that reading…it wasn’t completely horrible but neither of us was very happy with the how the priest discussed the meaning of submission (telling our guests that – that was an “old” way of thinking).
What a great topic! I also really love the book of Ruth and recited this to each other in our vows. Talk about an amazing devotion!
“Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God. Where you die I will die, and there I will be buried. May the LORD deal with me, be it ever so severely, if even death separates you and me.” -Ruth
PREACH IT ALI! 😉 I love that the Monday series goes with your “WHY”!