It wasn’t supposed to get above 40 today. I honestly didn’t think it made it to 30. The temperature plus the wind made it feel more like, um… – 30. I’ve really loved living closer to the coast and closer toward the equator, even if it’s only by 50 miles or so. The closer, the better. Up in Connecticut today, I walked around the Yale Campus hating the cold more than ever. I figuratively shook my fist, got back in the car and went to Starbucks. My shoulders were sore with tension and my I tried to get my teeth to stop chattering as I cupped my skinny latte. I kept having visions of Hawaii. Or Kiawah Island. Any place but snow coated Connecticut.
But last night, we sat with new friends and the most comforting comfort food I’ve had in a while. Because when you put mashed potatoes on your pizza, it seems to make everything just a little warmer.