Virginia Beach portrait and lifestyle photographer specializing in comfortable portraits and candids
It’s pretty hard to find a concrete statistic, but lets just say that the average I found was this. The divorce rate is around 40%. I’ve been told this before. But during this winter season, I’ve been thinking about my job in relation to this statistic. Why? Because I’m a wedding photographer. I photograph Day 1 of a lot of marriages. That’s what a wedding is, right? Day 1? We [I was a bride; I know how this goes.] spend a TON of time preparing for our wedding day. And most of it is necessary. But how much time do we spend preparing for our marriage? Our wedding is one day, but our marriage is “until death do us part.” Honest confession? I spent an intentional 10 hours total during my engagement on preparing for marriage. Compare that with the ENDLESS hours of research, bookmarking [this was before Pinterest, y’all… how did I do it!?!?!], e-mailing, talking this out with friends and family and fiance, visiting venues, shopping…. I mean… endless hours. I’m not knocking the time I took to do that. I’m knocking the time compared to my marriage prep. 10 hours? Really, Ali? All of that, including the photos, is worthless if your marriage fails.
© 2010 Adam Barnes Fine Art Photography
Another honest confession. I am not a marriage counselor. Surprise! I simply want to share more about my experience of preparing for, entering into, and being in a marriage. I want to share my stories. Other people’s advice. Maybe even some guest blog posts from actual counselors or mentors or seasoned married wise people. I want to make sure you know that I care about your MARRIAGE not just your wedding! So gear up. Get prepared. Love on your marriage just like you put so much love and thought into your wedding day! Each Monday, expect to see just a little something not about WEDDINGS, but about MARRIAGE! Excited?? I am…
@alisandraphoto #alisandraphoto
Get a glance into my life with #MyHusbandChad, our travel adventures by the sea, and the love stories I get to photograph on Instagram.
YESSSS. I love this idea! I can’t wait!!!
great column addition! look forward to reading Ali!
I absolutely love this idea! There is such a need for it. I can’t wait to read what you have to share!
This is a fabulous idea – I can’t wait to read every Monday!! 🙂
Oh my goodness I love it!! What a wonderful idea! The church we got married at said that “they don’t do weddings, they do marriages!” It was amazing to do marriage counseling with them… and seriously, it doesnt matter how many hours you do in the premarriage stuff, you have to keep working on it EVERYDAY!! So… I am super excited for Mondays!! =)
I really like this idea! Can’t wait to read them!
Oooh. Awesome idea!! Looking forward to reading more!