Virginia Beach portrait and lifestyle photographer specializing in comfortable portraits and candids
Let me interrupt myself with an apology and confession. I went to eat mexican last night instead of blogging! Part of me feels shamed because I said I’d blog. BUT. Mexican with the husband was a perfect replacement!
On to my au revoirs.
You engaged ladies. Do you find ideas and bookmark them? I did too. I actually have two computers, so when I was planning my wedding it was such a pain trying to navigate and go back to my ideas. And what was what? I needed a visual reference. And that is why I am convinced this is one of the GREATEST wedding planning tools out right now.
Say hello to Pinterest. A perfect visual, no-scissors, scrapbooking system, and yet, so much more!
Let me just say. I wish I were planning my wedding again because this would have made it SO much easier.
Once you’ve signed on [and you will], you’ve found an image [you know, from one of the thousand wedding resources on the web], click “Pin It,” and Pinterest saves your “pin.” You can search other people’s and re-pin their pins. It is wonderful.
PLEASE, brides, use me as a reference. I want to help you as much as I can, and this is a small, yet HUGE tool to get your ideas into one place, if not into motion.
I must say. Bookmarking, say your goodbyes. I’ll pin from now on. With Love, Happy Pinning!
@alisandraphoto #alisandraphoto
Get a glance into my life with #MyHusbandChad, our travel adventures by the sea, and the love stories I get to photograph on Instagram.